Al-Fuhdail bin Iyadh berkata:
يا مسكين، أنت مسئ وترى أنك محسن، وأنت جاهل وترى أنك عالم، وتبخل وترى أنك كريم، وأحمق وترى أنك عاقل، أجلك قصير، وأملك طويل.
قلت: إي والله، صدق، وأنت ظالم وترى أنك مظلوم، وآكل للحرام وترى أنك متورع، وفاسق وتعتقد أنك عدل، وطالب العلم للدنيا وترى أنك تطلبه لله.
قلت: إي والله، صدق، وأنت ظالم وترى أنك مظلوم، وآكل للحرام وترى أنك متورع، وفاسق وتعتقد أنك عدل، وطالب العلم للدنيا وترى أنك تطلبه لله.
“Wahai si Miskin! Engkau pelaku maksiat dan kamu memandang dirimu seorang yang baik, Engkau seorang yang jahil dan kamu memandang dirimu alim (berilmu), engkau seorang yang kikir dan kamu memandang dirimu dermawan, dan engkau seorang yang pandir dan kamu memandang dirimu berakal. Waktumu singkat, dan harapanmu panjang.
Saya (Adz-Dzahabi) berkata: “Ya, Demi Allah beliau benar. Dan engkau seorang yang dzalim dan kamu memandang dirimu orang yang terdzalimi, dan kamu memakan yang haram dan memandang dirimu orang yang berhati-hati (menahan diri dari yang haram -red), dan engkau seorang fasik dan meyakini dirimu adil, dan kamu menuntut ilmu untuk dunia dan memandang bahwa dirimu menuntut ilmu karena Allah"
Sumber: Siyar Alam an-Nubalaa Biografi Fudhail bin Iyadh (8/440) (matan: Maktabah Syamilah v 3)
Al Fudayl ibn ‘Iyaad said,
“O Miskeen! You are an evil-doer and you think yourself to be one who does good. You are an ignoramus and you think yourself to be a scholar. You are a miser and you think yourself to be generous. O foolish one! You see that you are intelligent. Your time is short, but your hope is long.”
[Adh-Dhahabi]: I say: Yes, by Allah, he has spoken the truth. And you are an oppressor and you think yourself to be the one who is oppressed. And you eat what is unlawful and you think that you are cautious and fearful (in this regard). And you are a sinner and you think yourself to be just and upright. And you seek the knowledge (of the religion) for the world, and yet you think that you seek it for Allaah.
Source of translation:
“O Miskeen! You are an evil-doer and you think yourself to be one who does good. You are an ignoramus and you think yourself to be a scholar. You are a miser and you think yourself to be generous. O foolish one! You see that you are intelligent. Your time is short, but your hope is long.”
[Adh-Dhahabi]: I say: Yes, by Allah, he has spoken the truth. And you are an oppressor and you think yourself to be the one who is oppressed. And you eat what is unlawful and you think that you are cautious and fearful (in this regard). And you are a sinner and you think yourself to be just and upright. And you seek the knowledge (of the religion) for the world, and yet you think that you seek it for Allaah.
Source of translation:
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